We hate to be kill joys, but your party essentials like plastic straws, PET water & soft drink bottles, disposable plastic cutlery and even the helium balloons are causing marine pollution. We’re back with third edition of Save Oceans Guide and this time we’ll tell you how to have a good time without causing marine pollution UrbanMeisters! But first, do you know of all the ways marine pollution effects you?
How marine pollution effects you
Party essentials that cause marine pollution
We give you 3 party essentials that you can easily cut out from the guest list!
Plastic Straws
Plastic straws are really bad for the ocean is very old news and even kindergarten kids know it but that has not stopped anyone from using this very wasteful item. You go to bars, restaurants, parties, even homes now and drinks are served with plastic straws. USA alone uses approximately 500 million straws every year and almost all of it end up in our oceans vcausing marine pollution. You see recycling straws is not easy. Most of them are too lightweight to make it through mechanical recycling sorters. Dropping through sorting screens, they mix with other materials and are too small to separate and contaminate recycling loads.
Read: Infographic explaining pollution caused by plastic straws
So how about enjoying that drink without a straw? Take the #1LessStraw pledge started by dynamic teens Olivia and Carter and take the movement to your local restaurants, food delivery services. It’s really easy to politely ask for no straws at your fav bar or leave that instruction with your fav food delivery app. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Above: Click to take #1LessStraw Pledge
We love BYO-parties! So bring your own straw if you like to use one and switch to green alternatives for plastic straws- re-usable ones are best because compostable straws are sometimes dicey. So go for your own set of bamboo or metal straws that can be used again and again. We have a great sustainable option for you- BaliBoo Bamboo Straws. Made of 100% natural bamboo, ethically made form renewable raw material, re-usable and bio-degradable and easy to clean. For more information read our exclusive feature here.
Single use cutlery
Prepping for the rounds of music fests this summer or the beach side raves? Apart from building that beach bod do look into how much waste is generated by your disposable cutlery at beach barbeques. We gave zero waste festival footprint tips for you music festival lovers and one of them was to carry your own bottles and cutlery or use eco-friendly cutlery alternatives like EcoSouLife which is made from green materials like bamboo, husk etc.
Read how to minimise carbon footprint at music fests
Don’t use Helium Balloons
Yeah they give you a lot of joy but they’re awful for marine pollution. Many marine species mistake them for food and eat them, which can be fatal. You’re thinking, come on how many balloons can there be?! In their 2017 report, the International Coastal Cleanup program collected enough balloons to lift a 2,200 pound walrus. Get the picture? So here’s how you can cut out the helium balloons and yet have fun with party decorations.