Our Green New York Guide quest led us to urban farming in Brooklyn! Welcome to Moore Street Farm!
We’re on a mission to help you discover a new green New York with One Heart Spots App and this city is revealing green surprises at every turn. We are presenting you the top 5 sustainable hot spots of the city of lights. In this 2nd edition, we’re knee deep in Urban Farming of a different kind! The kind that is powered by fish poop. No, you did not read wrong. Say hello to Moore Street Farm in Brooklyn, New York which is the largest outdoor aquaponics farm in New York City.

Green New York Guide

GREEN SPOT N°2 Urban farming with a difference at moore street farm

Moore Street farm is an urban oasis in Brooklyn. It is a production farm cultivating a variety of freshwater fish including catfish, tilapia and crawfish along with a variety of vegetables and herbs. But this is no ordinary urban farming project. It’s an aquaponic farm- in fact the largest outdoor one in NYC! Moore Street Farm started as a collaboration between Oko Farms and the Brooklyn Economic Development Corporation (BEDC). Aquaponics is a cross of aquaculture and hydroponics that uses fish feces and water to feed plants. At Moore Street Farm, waste water from the fresh water fish tank is pumped through a variety of hydroponic grow beds that uses a bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrates: most nourishing fertiliser for plants! This water nurtures the vegetable and herb farm. But that’s not all. The plants further filter all the toxic water while it cycles through the system and this water is then recycled all over again! This extremely efficient recycling system is the basis of this very eco-friendly urban farming centre.
« By implementing aquaponics in New York City, we shrink our carbon footprint for fish consumption, reduce the ecosystem pollution and health concerns associated with commercial-scale aquaculture, and produce a high-yield of organically grown vegetables in dense urban spaces. »
Moore Street Farm is not just a production farm but also a training centre for urban farming. They organise tours of the farm as well education sessions for interested patrons of urban farming. So if you want a break from the manic city life then just head to Moore Street Farm and see nature working wonders!

Opening hours : Monday-Friday from 9 am to 1 pm
Where? 104 Moore St, Brooklyn, 11206 New York US

Enjoy this green escapade in New York City UrbanMeisters. And if you have some suggestions for green hang outs in New York City then do comment below or write to us on contact@urbanmeisters.com
Click here to read the complete GREEN NEW YORK GUIDE:

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